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Admission to the Medicine

Educational center GoStudy

28 June 2023



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Admission to the Medicine

"Admission to the Medicine" is one of our most popular programs. In the Czech Republic a foreigner can get a free European medical education. The acquired MUDr. title will allow you to practice in all of Europe.

In the Czech Republic, doctors study for 6 years. The first 3 years are spent studying theoretical and preclinical subjects, the next 3 years are spent studying clinical subjects. Graduates have the status of medicinae universae doctor (MUDr.) and can work in all specialties in the medical field. After graduating from the university, a doctor can continue their education and obtain a specialization, working in their chosen field in an accredited department.

The program "Admission to the Medicine" prepares students for the entrance exams for the specialties "General Medicine" and "Dentistry".

How to be admitted to the medicine

The competition for medical departments is high - from 5 to 10 persons per place. The entrance exam for all Czech medical departments includes tests in chemistry, physics and biology. Some departments also include a logic test and an interview.

There are 8 medical departments in the Czech Republic

you can find more information in the article in our blog

Charles University has five medical departments: three are three in Prague, one in Plzeň, and one in Hradec Králové. There is also a Faculty of Medicine at Masaryk University in Brno, Palacký University in Olomouc, and the University of Ostrava. You can find information on the differences between the departments and the chances of admission in the article in our blog.

It is necessary to prepare seriously for the entrance exams for the medicine, because you will have to compete with graduates of Czech medical high schools.

Our program "Admission to the Medicine" includes a Czech language course and basic vocabulary in biology, chemistry, physics and medicine (870 hours) and a specialized exams preparatory course (150 hours).

The program "Admission to the Medicine":

  • Total of 1020 academic hours

  • Studying Czech up to the B2 / B2+ level according to the CEFR

  • Preparing for biology, chemistry and physics entrance tests

  • Learning medical terminology

"In addition to Czech language courses, I took additional courses at GoStudy in physics, chemistry, and biology. I made good progress in these subjects and succeeded in being admitted to the medicine at Charles University".

Viktor Shorokhov, GoStudy graduate and student at the First Faculty of Medicine at Charles University

Czech from elementary to the B2 / B2+ level

Czech classes are daily and take 5 academic hours. The teachers are linguists and native speakers. Medical departments have the highest requirements for foreign applicants in terms of knowledge of the Czech language. As a standard, to apply to university in the Czech Republic you need to have a B2 level of Czech, but the First and Third Faculties of Medicine at Charles University require a B2+ / C1 level of language skills. The teachers of the program "Admission to the Medicine" have a goal to take students up to B2+ level. During the Czech language courses, the emphasis is placed on learning terminology in the natural sciences and medicine, as well as on developing skills of understanding scientific texts in the Czech language.

Download the brochure of the program "Admission to the Medicine"

Chemistry, Physics, and Biology preparation

It is very difficult to study medicine, even at the stage of preparation for the entrance exams. One of the main goals of the course is to fill knowledge gaps.

"In the Czech Republic, the exams already require the university's level of knowledge. You have to know organic chemistry and biochemistry exceptionally well. It also requires knowledge of Latin, for example, you need to know the Latin names for the bones.

Taisia Fedorkova, GoStudy graduate and student at the Faculty of Medicine at Charles University in Plzeň

The course includes preparation in the three following disciplines:

  • chemistry (50 hours)

  • physics (50 hours)

  • biology (50 hours)

The emphasis is placed on the biochemistry

Firstly, applicants from many countries often have gaps in biochemistry, although biochemistry is the basis of medicine. That is why in our course the teacher spends a lot of time studying biochemistry. Students learn not only the basics of the high school curriculum, but also delve deeply into a range of topics. The goal of the teacher is to prepare students well for further study at the university.

In the preparatory course, the teacher uses presentations, tests and materials in chemistry, physics and biology designed specifically for our students. The students are also constantly solve admission tests samples published by the Czech Republic's medical departments.

"I am grateful to my Czech language teacher Jana Hudečková and the entire GoStudy team for giving me the opportunity to fulfill my dream. ".

Igor Odintsov, GoStudy graduate and student at the Second Faculty of Medicine at Charles University

As part of the program, students are advised on passing the general medicine aptitude test (taken upon admission to the Second Faculty of Medicine at Charles University) and an interview.

Read more:

– What is included in the "Admission to the Medicine" program

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