Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem
6 July 2023

Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem
The University offers a wide range of disciplines (192). First of all, the interest of applicants is aroused by the Faculty of Arts and Design and the humanitarian directions of the Faculty of Arts.
The University has been working since 1991 and consists of 8 faculties.
More than 12,000 students are studying at the university.
Practice on a discipline is an obligatory component of training. Students’ bachelor and diploma theses meet the needs of businesses and organizations.
With financial support from the ERASMUS+ program, students have the opportunity to go to a foreign university study for an exchange or to do an internship at a foreign enterprise, training, or research center.
Every year the university offers 200 ERASMUS+ scholarships to its students. The University cooperates with 200 universities from 26 European countries under this program.
Faculty of Arts and Design
Bachelor disciplines
Disciplines: Interior Design / Ceramics Design / Clothing and Textile Design / Product Design / Natural Materials / Glass
Photography and Intermedial Art
Disciplines: Applied and Promotional Photography / Digital Media / Photography / Interactive Media / Performance
Graphic Design
Disciplines: Time-based Media / Graphic Design 1 / Graphic Design 2 – Visual Design
Bachelor’s programs are designed for 4 years.
About 4 students are accepted to in each studio.
Submission of applications: until January 16. Entrance exams are held in February.
Foreign applicants must pass the A2 level certificate in a public university.
Entrance exams are held in two rounds. 1 round – portfolio. 2 round – composition, modeling, drawing, interview, written test on the history of art (the priority of subjects depends on the disciplines).

Masters disciplines
Disciplines: Interior Design / Ceramics Design / Clothing and Textile Design / Product Design / Natural Materials / Glass
Photography and Intermedial Art
Graphic Design
Disciplines: Graphic Design 1 / Graphic Design 2 / Visual Design
Curatorial Studies
Faculty website: fud.ujep.cz

Faculty of Philosophy
** Bachelor disciplines**
Intercultural Germanistics
Cultural History
Documentation of Cultural Monuments
Basics of Liberal Education – Aesthetics
Philosophy + History
Philosophy + German Language and Literature
Philosophy + Social Sciences
History + German Language and Literature
History + Social Sciences
Social sciences + German Language and Literature
Political Science + History
Political Science + Philosophy
Political Science + Social Sciences
Political Science + German Language and Literature
Masters discipline
German Philology in the Czech-German Intercultural Context
Teaching German Language and Literature for Secondary Schools
Teaching History in Secondary School
Cultural History
Political Philosophy
Teaching History in Secondary School + Teaching German Language and Literature in Secondary School
History + Social Sciences
Teaching Social Sciences in Secondary School + Teaching German Language and Literature in Secondary School
Faculty website: ff.ujep.cz

Faculty of Social and Economic Studies
Bachelor disciplines
Economics and Management
Economic Policy and Public Administration
Social Policy and Social Work
Masters disciplines
Economics and Management
Economic Policy and Public Administration
Faculty website: fse.ujep.cz

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor disciplines
Mechanical Engineering Technology / Production Management
Mechanical Engineering / Materials and Technologies in Transport
Energy / Energy – Heating
Materials Science / Materials
** Masters disciplines**
Mechanical Engineering Technology / Production Preparation and Management
Mechanical Engineering / Materials and Technologies in Transport
Materials Science / Materials Science and Material Analysis
Energy / Energy – Heating
Faculty website: cz.fvtm.ujep.cz

Faculty of Environment
Bachelor disciplines
Environmental Protection
Environmental Protection in Industry
Economics of Water Resources
Masters disciplines
Waste Management
Land Revitalization
Environmental Analytical Chemistry and Toxicology
Faculty website: fzp.ujep.cz
Faculty of Science
Bachelor disciplines
Applied Nanotechnology
Geography of Central Europe
Information Systems
Mathematical Informatics
Mathematics and its Application in Natural Sciences
Computer Modeling in Physics and Technology
Toxicology and Hazardous Substance Analysis
Masters disciplines
Environmental Analytical Chemistry and Toxicology
Applied Nanotechnology
Computer Modeling in Science and Technology
Pedagogy in Secondary Schools
Faculty website: sci.ujep.cz

Faculty of Education
Bachelor disciplines
English Language and Literature
Czech Language and Literature
Czech Language for Media and Public Sphere
Music Teaching
Popularization of Music and Organization of Music Life
Social Pedagogy
Special Pedagogy
Sport Performance and Training
Pedagogy for Primary School
Teaching Fine Arts
Faculty website: www.pf.ujep.cz
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