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Vaclav Hollar Art School

Viktoriia Soloveva

5 July 2023



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Vyšší odborná škola a Střední umělecká škola Václava Hollara

The Vaclav Hollar Art School in Prague is a state university that teaches two highly demanded creative disciplines: Interactive Graphics, and Drawing and Illustration in the Media.

Vaclav Hollar Art School

The State Graphic School was founded in 1920 and has extensive experience in teaching print reproduction techniques, book making and photography. Today the university specializes in teaching modern 2D and 3D computer graphics.

promo media
  • The program is designed for 3 years of study.

  • Participation in exhibitions organized by the university is an important motivation for students.

  • The training includes plein airs, sightseeing trips, visiting exhibitions in the Czech Republic and abroad.

  • The university actively cooperates with companies and advertising agencies. The best student projects (posters, billboards, advertising panels, calendars, logos) are being implemented, which is a good motivation for students.

  • Tuition costs 5,000 CZK per year.

Interactive graphics

  • Students are familiarized with applied and animated graphics and work with 2D and 3D animation programs (Macromedia Flash, Maxon Cinema 4D, Adobe). They also study foreign languages (English, German), figurative drawing, art history, computer graphics, typography and multimedia.

  • An internship is organized for students in cooperation with Charles University and Creativconection company.

  • Students have the opportunity to annually present their animation films at the Aero cinema, to take part in workshops at the Anifest Teplice and Anifilm Třeboň animated film festivals.

Drawing and illustration in the media

  • Students master 2D programs (Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign), study foreign languages (English, German), figurative drawing, art history, computer graphics, fonts and typography, graphic techniques and photography.

  • Students have the opportunity to present their work at the Junior Gallery, participate in workshops at children’s book festivals and collaborate with partner publishers.

Entrance exams

The entrance exams include a portfolio assessment and a practical creative exam.

  • The portfolio should consist of 10-15 works (animation, graphic design, interior photography)

Practical creative exam:

  • drawing of a head

  • drawing of a story (comic)

  • test for general knowledge of culture

  • logo creation

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