Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
The Prague Academy of Arts, Akademie múzických umění, was founded in 1946 on the basis of the Higher School of the Prague Conservatory. The Academy belongs to the category of prestigious creative educational institutions.
Prague, Czech Republic
Year of foundation
About the institution
AMU students pursue advanced degrees in music, dance, film, television and contemporary media.
Brief information
The School of Film and Television of the FAMU Academy, recognised as one of the best film schools in the world, is the most famous.
Education is provided both in Czech (free of charge) and in English (on a fee basis, e.g. at FAMU the tuition costs from 8,700 euros per year).
The Academy has modern recording studios, concert and rehearsal halls, an extensive music library, and its own theatre.
Submission of applications and delivery of works
For bachelor's degree programmes, applications are due by 22 November and papers are accepted until 1 December. Examinations take place in January.
Applications for Master's programmes are accepted in spring. Examinations take place in September.
Conditions for the admission of foreigners
A certificate of Czech language proficiency at the B2 level must be submitted with the application.
Faculties, directions and conditions of admission
Faculty of Theatre (DAMU)
This is a modern art school that provides a high-quality liberal arts education. The selection of students is very strict - the most courageous and talented students, capable of working with different theatre styles and experimenting, study here. They are taught by renowned people from the world of Czech theatre, as well as by guest teachers.
The Faculty has many connections abroad, students have internships in the EU and worldwide. Graduates work in the main theatres of the Czech Republic, independent theatre associations as theatre workers, critics, producers, teachers and authors.
Specialities within the undergraduate programme:
Theatre art in non-traditional space (3 years)
Directing - dramaturgy of alternative theatre
Scenography of alternative theatre
Dramatic Art
Actor of alternative and puppet theatre
Directing and dramaturgy of dramatic theatre
Directing and dramaturgy of alternative and puppet theatre
Scenography of alternative and puppet theatre
Theatre Production
Drama Teaching
Acting (creative writing and pedagogy)
Theory and Criticism
Specialisms within the MA (post-school):
Dramatic Arts (4 years)
Actor of drama theatre
Actor of alternative and puppet theatre
Specialities within the Master's programme (after the Bachelor's degree):
Dramatic Art
Drama theatre director
Drama theatre playwright
Playwright of alternative and puppet theatre
Director of alternative and puppet theatre
Scenography of alternative and puppet theatre
Scenography - costume design
Theatre Production
Drama teaching
Acting (creative writing and pedagogy)
Theory and criticism
Scenography - film and television
Entrance examinations are held in several stages. Applicants receive detailed conditions by post.
Entry to creative specialities requires the demonstration of talent, creative ability and appropriate psycho-physical abilities. When entering the specialities related to scenography, it is necessary to show the ability to engage in fine arts and crafts, to dramatic thinking and to have a basic knowledge of descriptive geometry. For Theatre Production, you must demonstrate an aptitude for economic thinking.
Creative examinations - for all specialities
Written or pictorial work - in the specialities of directing drama, theory and criticism, set design, drama teaching, acting and pedagogy.
Individual interviews - for the specialities of directing-dramaturgy, theory and criticism, production, scenography, acting and pedagogy.
Tests - all majors
Language tests - in the specialities of directing-playwrighting and theory and criticism
Faculty of Film and Television (FAMU)
Specialities within the undergraduate programme Film, Television, Photography and New Media
Audiovisual art
Stage one - the following works are handed in:
author's works (audio/video up to 15 minutes and accompanying text),
analysing an audiovisual work or an essay
Phase Two:
A written analysis of a work of art,
English language exam (translation into Czech and summary of English special text),
Animation art
Stage one - the following works are handed in:
An analysis of any animated film,
animated film project,
visual work,
animation work
Phase Two:
drawing from a model,
storyboard - creating a series of drawings as a script for a proposed story,
control of general cultural knowledge,
oral interview
Documentary work
Stage one - the following works are handed in:
Analysis of 1 documentary film,
a literary reportage supplemented by a photographic script,
two documentary film projects,
a documentary up to 1 minute on a given topic,
work on a free topic,
a selection of three photographs
Stage one - the following works are handed in:
Free photographic creativity (8-12 black and white or colour photographs),
Photographs of one genre (maximum 20),
Publication layout,
Technical still life photography
Phase Two:
tests (general knowledge of culture, history of art, history of photography, photographic techniques, foreign language test of choice),
photographic assignment,
graphic assignment (drawing, painting, collage, typography),
Operator's art
Stage one - the following works are handed in:
10 photographs of different genres - preferably black and white,
a photo script of a game scene as a film project on assignment,
8 mood photographs on assignment,
photo scenario on a free theme,
8 images on assignment (conceptual selection of a photograph with an internal connection)
Phase Two:
cultural knowledge test,
technical knowledge test,
oral interview,
photographic assignment
Phase One:
written tests - knowledge in the field of culture, cinema and television, knowledge of terminology, history of cinema and television and its current state, basic economic and legal concepts, ability to think logically are tested.
foreign language test.
maths test
Phase Two:
work on your own production project in the field of film and television
Stage one - the following works are handed in:
two films of your own: a film on a free topic (maximum 10 minutes) and a film self-portrait or portrait of a loved one (maximum 1-2 minutes, without music);
a synopsis or a one-page draft of a 20-30 minute film;
essay "How I understand the concept of film direction";
photo script on a given topic
Phase Two:
Projection and analysis of a feature film,
Test of knowledge of culture, especially cinema,
Writing a dramatic situation on a given topic,
Essay on a given topic,
Screenwriting and dramaturgy
Stage one - the following works are handed in:
Feature film project,
Three short stories,
Analysis of two feature films
Phase Two:
written examination - tests on cultural knowledge, film analysis and sketch on a given topic,
oral interview (knowledge of literature, film, television, music and fine arts)
Stage one - the following works are handed in:
a written analysis of a famous film,
a photo scenario of 12-15 photographs,
a thematic selection of photographs (7-10) with a common aesthetic theme,
a short film for which the applicant has edited,
own work of authorship (story, selection of photographs), poem, drawing
Phase Two:
written test on cultural knowledge,
creating storyboard drawings as assigned,
written film analysis,
oral interview
Sound engineering
Stage one - the following works are handed in:
a sound composition on a given theme,
written analysis of a feature film from the point of view of sound,
an essay on a given topic.
Phase Two:
an interview to test musical aptitude,
a test of general cultural knowledge,
a test of auditory analysis, memory for sounds and imagination,
a test of knowledge of the basics of electroacoustics and sound engineering.
Phase Three:
written analysis of the sound component of the film sequences shown,
a practical task - a simple mix of words and music
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