What expenses a student should be prepared for
2 July 2023

"Education itself is free in the Czech Republic. So the main expenses of a foreign student include accommodation, medical insurance and food.
Compared to other European capitals, Prague is not an expensive city. In addition, in the Czech Republic a student status gives you discounts on transportation, in museums, shops, cinemas, restaurants and cafes."
**300–600 euros per month**
"Czech online portal for international students studyin.cz advises that you be prepared for spending 300-600 euros per month.
You can compare prices in Prague and other cities around the world using the numbeo.com service Here you can find an article about the cost of living in Prague in 2015 posted on a popular website for the foreigners living in [Prague - expats.cz(https://www.expats.cz/prague/article/prague-relocation/cost-of-living-report-2015-edition/)."
In our article, we have detailed the main expenses in order to help the future students of Czech universities draw up their financial plan.
Dormitory: around 2,700 CZK per month
Many students live in dormitories. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic financially supports university dormitories, so they offer students very favorable rates. The living conditions and accommodation prices vary a lot. For example, the Charles University in Prague offers its students 17 dormitories of different categories. The cost of accommodation in a standard double room is around 2,700 CZK per month. You can find more information about the prices here.
The Charles University dormitories: single room – 3,600 to 5,600 CZK double room –2,400 to 4,500 CZK 5-bed dormitory room – around 1,500 CZK
The cost of accommodation in a double room of the Prague University of Economics and Business dormitory is around 3,200 CZK, in a single room – around 4,300 CZK. The cost of accommodation in a double room of the Czech Technical University dormitory is around 4,000 CZK. There are also very budget-friendly options – for example, 56 CZK per day (1,736 CZK per month) for accommodation in a triple room. The category of this dormitory is obviously lower than the standard one. You can find the detailed information here.
**Accommodation scholarship**
Full–time students of the Czech universities receive an "accommodation scholarship" - ubytovací stipendium. That's around 2,000 CZK per three months.
It doesn’t take a lot to get a dormitory room in a Czech university. All you need is to be a student and apply on time.
In the Czech Republic, students can live not only in the dormitories of their university, but in the dormitories of any other universities as well. But universities provide their students with the dormitory rooms first.
Rental apartment: from 11,000 CZK per month
The cost of renting an apartment consists of the rental price and the cost of utilities. As a rule, upon moving in, you have to pay the owner a refundable security deposit (usually in the amount of a monthly rent). There are ways to find an apartment without the help of a real estate agency, for example via this website - bezrealitky.cz. Still, a faster and easier option would be to contact the agency. On average, the commission rate is 50% of the monthly rent. Renting a studio apartment in Prague costs on average from 11-12 thousand CZK per month, utilities and Internet included.
Rental room: from 5,000 CZK per month
Students often share their rental apartments with two or three other roommates. Renting a room in a 3-bedroom apartment will cost you from 5-6 thousand CZK on average, a room in a 2-bedroom apartment – from 7-8 thousand CZK. You need to keep in mind that some unforeseen expenses may arise when renting an apartment. Utilities are paid for in advance, and get recalculated at the end of the year. The amount underpaid can turn out to be pretty significant.
Biometric card – 2,500 CZK per year
The Department for Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of the interior of the Czech Republic issues a student visa on the basis of providing a confirmation of study. Universities issue such confirmations for one academic year; therefore a visa (or biometric card) is issued for a year as well. Every time you apply for the biometric card issuance, you have to pay 2,500 CZK.
Insurance – 7,000 CZK per year8
To get a student visa, you need an annual medical insurance. The insurance costs around 7,000 CZK per year.
from 4,000 CZK per month
"The Czech Republic subsidizes meals in the student canteens. On average, you can spend around 60 CZK for lunch, ordering soup, main course and salad. For students, the cost of a set meal in the canteens of the Charles University (soup, main course, drink) is 50 CZK. In the Prague University of Economics and Business building, in addition to a regular canteen, there is a healthy food cafe, a pizzeria and a restaurant. A lunch menu in the restaurant (soup, main course, dessert) costs 75 CZK. A lunch at a healthy food cafe costs 80-100 CZK. Eating in a Czech restaurant (in Czech - hospoda) is a bit more expensive.
For example, students of the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University often dine in the legendary hospoda U Rudolfina located right by the faculty. Pizzeria Einstein is also student-friendly (2 pizzas or 2 salads for the price of 1 subject to presentation of an ISIC card)."
In their "financial guide", the ČVUT (CTU) students have compiled the following list of groceries popular amongst the students along with their prices:
"bananas (1 kg) – 29.90 CZK
apples (1 kg) – 39.90 CZK
potatoes (1 kg) – 17.90 CZK
tomatoes (1 kg) – 47.90 CZK
cucumbers (1 pc.) – 9.90 CZK
onion (1 kg) – 39.90 CZK
milk (1 l) – 39.90 CZK
butter (250 g) – 39.90 CZK
olive oil (1 l) – 129.90 CZK
beef (500 g) – 112.90 CZK
chicken (1,600 g) – 103.90 CZK
pizza – 59.90 CZK
bread (1 kg) – 14.50 CZK
rice (500 g) – 39.90 CZK
pasta (500 g) – 21.90 CZK
sugar (1 kg) – 24.90 CZK
salt (500 g) – 12.50 CZK
flour (1 kg) – 18.90 CZK
bottled water (2 l) – 12.90 CZK
tea in tea bags (25 tea bags) – 34.90 CZK
Nescafé coffee (100 g) – 39.90 CZK"
You can find out the current prices for groceries in Czech Republic supermarkets, for example, by looking at the Tesco supermarket chain online store (there is an English version available).
Other expenses
Transportation – 260 CZK per month
Students of the Czech universities under the age of 26 use public transportation at discounted rates.
The costs of a student transport pass (for all types of transport):
"for a month – 260 CZK
for 3 months – 720 CZK
for 5 months – 1,200 CZK
for 10 months – 2,400 CZK"
Cell service – 249 CZK per month
There are three main mobile carriers in the Czech Republic – O2, T-Mobile, and Vodafone. Each of them offers favorable cell phone plans that include unlimited calls within the network for 249 CZK per month. You can choose the most favorable cell phone plan using this website - www.tarifomat.cz.
Gym membership – from 400-500 CZK per month
Czech universities have their own sports centers and athletic fields. It would be cheaper to train there.
"cinema ticket – 100–200 CZK
museum visit – 50–200 CZK"
ISIC Student Card
– provides 50% discount on many artistic events, 5-20% discount on various goods and services.
Educational materials
"Expenses for the purchase of books – 100–400 CZK
Expenses for the purchase of educational materials – 2,000 CZK per term"
In the largest bookstore in Prague, Neoluxor, students receive a 10% discount subject to presentation of a valid ISIC.
410 euros per month in total
According to the ČVUT (CTU) students’ calculations, the cost of living in Prague as a student is 4,919 euros per year.
"food – 2,133 euros
accommodation – 1,770 euros
transportation – 113 euros
entertainment – 467 euros
books – 158 euros
winter clothes – 158 euros
other expenses – 120 euros"
You can find the current exchange rate on the Czech National Bank website www.cnb.cz/en
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