How to learn Slovak language online and move to Slovakia in a year?
29 June 2023

Learning Slovak language online is not that difficult. Slovak language is relatively easy to learn, especially if your native language belongs to the Slavic language group.
During the COVID-19 pandemic the popularity of online education began to gain momentum. Previously, such a format was associated with short courses and seminars; today you can learn a foreign language, prepare for admission to a European university - and do it completely remotely.
GoStudy school keeps up to date: on October 1, 2022 we will launch the "Slovak Language Online" program, which will allow you to learn the language up to B2 level in a year and study for free in a university in Slovakia.
Why Slovakia?
For a long time the universities in the Czech Republic have been popular among applicants. But for now Slovakia has some equally attractive perspectives to offer.
Slovak language is relatively easy to learn. It is enough not to skip the online lessons and do all your homework, and in a year you will speak Slovak language at the B2 level."
Slovakia is a viable option for students from many countries as they continue to issue visas to students from these countries.
There are 21 universities in Slovakia, where foreigners can get a free education if they study in Slovak language. A number of universities are listed in THE World University Rankings and QS World University Rankings. These include Comenius University in Bratislava; Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava; Technical University of Košice; Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, and University of Prešov.
The Slovak universities offer a wide range of fields of study, from medical and natural sciences to technical and art fields of study. At the same time the competition is not high, so it is easy to be admitted to the university.
A student of a Slovak university receives a permanent residence permit for 2-3 months, which allows them to travel free around the Schengen agreement countries.
Despite its small size, Slovakia is famous for its amazing nature and unique architectural monuments. The Tatra Mountains, medieval castles and villages with painted houses - in your spare time there is always a route for an educational journey.
Why is it worth choosing the "Slovak Language Online" program?
The "Slovak Language Online" program is very affordable and allows you to become a student at a university in Slovakia in the next academic year and get a permanent residence permit in this country.
Unlike some other countries, Slovakia allows foreign students to submit all necessary documents to a university in electronic form.
Applicants are not required to take the nostrification exams, which require a physical presence in the country.
The applicants are admitted to many fields of study at the Slovak universities without exams. If there is no way to be admitted without the admission tests, then the applicant can come to Slovakia under a tourist visa.
You can take the certified exam of Slovak language at the B2 level, which is necessary for free study at the university, online.
Online study at GoStudy is designed in such a way that the applicant can combine learning Slovak language with studies or work. Classes are held in the afternoon. In addition, recordings of all lessons are saved and are available for viewing at any time - in case a student missed a lesson for some reason or wanted to go back to the studied material.
The main advantage of online studying is the financial benefit: learning the language at home, you do not spend money on health insurance and renting accommodation in Slovakia. It allows you to save up to 8 000 euros.
The second significant advantage: immediately after admission to a Slovak university a student can apply for a permanent residence permit. The decision is taken within 2-3 months. If the package of documents is properly prepared, there should be no refusal for a visa. Therefore, by the time the student starts university studies, they can already have a PRP in Slovakia.
Special feature of online learning
The student must be motivated and clearly understand why they are learning the language. Success depends almost 100% on self-discipline
What is the "Slovak Language Online" program?
The "Slovak Language Online" program includes 560 hours of Slovak language. Students study for 4 lessons per day throughout the academic year. As a result, they master the language to the B2 level, which is necessary for admission and free education at the state universities of Slovakia. In order to receive the certificate, you will need to take the exam online.
The teaching process is led by a team of experienced professional teachers - native speakers specialized in online education for students. Interactive materials, learning apps, Zoom and Google Classroom communication services make lessons as interesting and dynamic as possible. The students can also get feedback on homework and ask teachers any question outside of class via chat, email, or video call.
The "Slovak Language Online" program
lasts from October 1, 2022, to May 31, 2023. The cost is 1 600 euros. You can submit an application for the program by filling in the GoStudy training center student questionnaire.
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