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I am studying out of home: where can I prepare for the exams in Prague?

Aleksandra Baranova

3 July 2023



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Preparation for the exams assume long-hours sitting at the desk with books and a laptop, and it is logical that brain goes on a strike and gives up processing information after some time of such confinement. But no sooner had you gone outside and changed the scene than the gray matter started working again.

Alexandra Baranova, the author of the GoStudy blog, talks about quiet places for cramming in Prague.

There are plenty of places where you can quietly study in Prague. Conventionally, they can be divided into several categories:

  • "A small cafe somewhere in the city

  • A park

  • An art-space: a museum, a theatre, a gallery

  • A library

  • A special space for studying: Czech. studovna

  • Time-cafe"

Coffee, please!

Slow and calm hum of voices, the scent of freshly brewed coffee and quiet calm music are a perfect background that encourages to concentrate on an article, book or writing. Choose quiet places and "correct" time; avoid rush hours like breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Tried and tested:

  • Сafé Kumbál: if you want to combine studying with a delicious breakfast in almost a home environment, go here.

  • Kavárna, co hledá jméno: it is almost always full but if you succeed in snatching a huge armchair in the corner and get into it with a book, it will do the trick: in a split second you will find yourself sitting like in a bubble where surrounding noise transforms into background noise.

  • Dobrá trafika: a coffee place near a shop with books, newspapers and magazines. There are several places in Prague like that, so you can choose the one in your neighbourhood. A wide of choice of coffee at a good price and snacks like hummus and sandwiches ensure hunger-free pastime. The main advantage is the absence of WiFi in the cafe, thus social networks will interfere only through your phone. Only those in the know come here, so you will always find a spare place.

  • Žižkavárna: silence and good coffee, one of the thousands of hipsterish places in Žižkov.

  • Tricafe: a cozy coffee place opposite the archive of the National theater. There are a few visitor, excellent flat white and delicious carrot cake.

  • Sweet and Pepper Days: for everybody who cannot live without avocado; the menu is full of dishes with this ingredient. The best place for creating privacy is a balcony in the farther end of the cafe.

  • The Farm is famous for its hearty breakfasts and brunches. In the morning there is not enough room to swing a cat, but after 11 am it becomes silent and calm.

  • Café Platýz: a cafe in the heart of the Old city with amazing acoustics that subdues any loud talks. Choose a table near the window, so you will be absent-mindedly watch for the passers-by during a break between reading.

  • Coffee Break and Cake: a tiny coffee place on the corner near the tram station Husinecká in Žižkov. There are usually not many visitors because the maximum capacity of the cafe is ten people at the same time. The majority of people grab a cup of coffee-to-go, so you can cheat and stay longer.

Productive picnic

Locking yourself with books in a stuffy room when the weather outside is great is unforgivable and requires outstanding will power. Do not torture yourself: in summer, if you do not need Internet connection for studying, take books and notebooks together with a blanket, water, bread, cold coffee, fruit, and sunglasses and go studying outside.

For instance, here:

  • Vyšehrad is a touristic item of interests and the well-liked place among the Praguers. If the weather is warm, you can settle down on one of the benches with a nice view of the city.

  • Vojanovy sady is a quiet nook in the heart of the city center near Malá Strana. You will need some bread: peacocks are wandering around the park.

  • Havlíčkovy sady is a park that tourists do not usually reach. Choose for yourself: stay in the shadows of the trees or sit near a fountain.

  • Obora Hvězda is another distant park known only to the locals and students from the dormitories nearby. This is an example of so-called landscape park: nice pathways run right through the forest, here and there you can find benches, and even a children's playground. The main visitors are the pensioners with dogs, mothers with baby carriages, and runners.

  • Ladronka is a park that does not have that many groves that is why it will not be that comfortable to study here when it is hot. On the other hand, warming yourself for a while under a mild spring sun with books is just perfect. Ladronka is the favourite spot for cyclists, runners and rollers, so grab sport inventory with you or rent rollers.

  • Národní památník na Vítkově is another item of interest for really inquisitive tourists; a park with beautiful views and benches in quiet places.

  • Zahrada Kinských is a part of the famous park and garden complex Petřin (Petrshin) which, nonetheless, is not crowded with tourists. At the same time, there is a fountain and a cafe with ice-cream.

  • Stromovka is a park at the riverside opposite to the zoo. Thank to its size, it is easy to find a quiet place for sitting with books and lectures.

  • Riegrovy sady is a small yet popular park among the Praguers. You had better come here in the mornings because it may become all fun and noise in the evening.

  • Divoká Šárka is almost wild nature in the city; a big nature park close to the Prague Airport, even equipped with a swimming area. If you are going there, take some food and water with you as the nearest cafe is quite far away, but nobody will definitely bother you.

Library worm

If you are pretty bored with the university reading rooms, investigate other places. Maybe, by any chance, you will find a necessary book there

National Library of the Czech Republic

For instance, here:

  • Národní technická knihovna National Library of the Czech Republic, is an up-to-date and functional space.

  • Národní knihovna České republiky: no sooner had you enter the National Library of the Czech Republic, you immediately remembered Harry Potter saga and other fairytales about magicians, potions and wizards.

Art for brain function

Where shall you search for silence to concentrate? In a place where you have to keep it anyway: in a museum, theater or gallery. Or the other option: if your studying requires creativity and free-flow of thought, you can charge your batteries in a place that unites kindred spirit people: in art-spaces and artistic galleries.

Veletržní palác

You will be surrounded by the required atmosphere here:

  • Veletržní palác is a branch of the National Museum near Stromovka park. Big windows, light walls, minimalistic cafe and art literature shop. Everything encourages to create a super project!

  • FAMU, to be exact, a cafe at the faculty of the Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts. It is tasty, affordable, cozy, and has a reasonably good library.

  • Kavárna na Nové Scéně is a coffee place in a new building of the National Theater. You can comfortably grind away at your studies during the day with a cup of coffee and accidently meet some famous people as a bonus.

  • Vnitroblock is an art space where you can buy discs, eat natural ice-cream, listen to an interesting presentation or buy new "sneakers". And, of course, study.

  • DOX is a modern art gallery where you can easily get lost. If you come here in the middle of a working day, you can definitely spend some time on studying in a local cafe or an open library.

  • Rudolfinum: an intimate coffee place at the first floor of the exhibition and concert hall. High ceiling reflects every sound, so making noise is not accepted here, thus spacious room creates a perfect atmosphere for thinking. In other words, a paradise for cramming.

  • Pasáž Lucerna: within a stone throw from the Wenceslas Square, in an old building, there is not only a cinema but a couple of small cafes that are almost always empty. Come around: who knows, maybe it turns out to be "your" place

  • Kasárna Karlín: summer evenings are held with movie screenings and parties, but you can settle down in one of the lounge chairs to be alone and read lecture notes.

Lose track of time

Format "time-cafe" is as popular in Prague as it is in other cities of Europe: come to a cafe and pay for the time you spend there rather than food. You get free coffee and snacks.

  • Time-café Křižovatka is located right at the Wenceslas Square and, thank to its convenient location, it in high demand among the young people who use it as an office and meeting rooms in addition to studying.

  • Cat Cafe is a much less loud place in comparison to the previous one. Cat-lovers will be thrilled to bits: it is a home for 11 four-legged ones, who you can play and interact with. You know better if it encourages to focus on studying or not.

Studying around the clock

And finally, another great place for those who: – likes studying in a library or a reading room – cannot study at home for one reason or another – does not want to interrupt studying process for lunch – lives with roommates and does not want to bother them when sits up at night for a long time on the books. All of these is about a student cafe Cafedu. There is a cafe at the first floor, a night ""studovna"" on the second floor, where you can spend as much time as you need."

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