Where in the Czech Republic you can get admitted without taking entrance exams
2 July 2023

"For our students, we have compiled a list of programs of Czech universities you can get admitted to without entrance exams as of 2016.
To get admitted to this programs, you need to provide a certificate nostrification. Some departments announce in their admission office regulations that they admit applicants on the basis of grade point average or grades in major subjects. But, as a rule, there is no competition for these programs per se – all applicants are admitted.
Most departments require foreign applicants to submit a certificate of knowledge of Czech at B2 level. Some universities (CZU, UCT, ČVUT (CTU), College of Polytechnics Jihlava) hold their own Czech exams for foreign applicants."
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague / Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze (ČZU)
"As of 2016, you can get admitted without taking entrance exams to the programs of two CZU faculties – the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences.
Applications must be submitted until March 31."
Faculty of Engineering
"Agricultural machinery (Zemědělská technika)
Road Transportation and City Traffic (Silniční a městská automobilová doprava)
Technological Equipment of Constructions (Technologická zařízení staveb)
Waste Disposal Technology and Technique (Technika a technologie zpracování odpadů)
Information and control technology in the agro-food complex (Informační a řídicí technika v agropotravinářském komplexu)
Maintenance engineering (Inženýrství údržby)
Trade and Business Dealing with Machinery(Obchod a podnikání s technikou)"
Conditions for admission without exams: applicants who have never studied at higher educational institutions before are accepted without entrance exams – it is necessary to write an appropriate honest application (must be submitted by March 31).
Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences
Forestry (Lesnictví)
Foreign applicants take a Czech exam upon admission to CZU.
Czech Technical University in Prague / České vysoké učení technické v Praze
"When it comes to CTU, you can get admitted without taking entrance exams to the Faculty of Transportation Sciences as well as the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, but only to the programs that are taught at the ČVUT (CTU) Campus Déčín.
** Applications must be submitted until March 31."**
Faculty of Transportation Sciences
"Transportation Systems and Technology (Dopravní systémy a technika)
Air Transport (Letecká doprava)
Logistics and Transport Processes Control (Logistika a řízení dopravních procesů)"
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
Applications of Software Engineering (Aplikace softwarového inženýrství)
Foreign applicants take a Czech exam upon admission to ČVUT (CTU).
University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague / Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze (VŠCHT)
"Admission to all programs and all departments is performed without any entrance exams. The criteria for the rating of applicants are school grades in chemistry and mathematics. When applying, you must provide a certificate from a doctor confirming your ability to study at this university.
Applications must be submitted until March 31"
"Chemistry and Technology (Chemie a chemické technologie)
Chemistry, Technology and Materials (Chemie a technologie materiálů)
Chemistry of Materials for the Automobile Industry (Chemie materiálů pro automobilový průmysl)
Applied Engineering Informatics (Softwarové inženýrství pro chemické aplikace)
Hydrogen and Membrane Technology (Vodíkové a membránové technologie)
Biomaterials for Medical Purposes (Biomateriály pro medicínské využití)
Forensic Chemistry (Chemie a materiály ve forenzní analýze)
Bioinformatics (Bioinformatika)
Conservation-Restoration of Glass and Ceramic Works of Arts and Crafts (Konzervování-restaurování uměleckořemeslných děl ze skla a keramiky)
Conservation-Restoration of Metallic Works of Arts and Crafts (Konzervování-restaurování uměleckořemeslných děl z kovů)
Conservation-Restoration of Textile Works of Arts and Crafts (Konzervování-restaurování uměleckořemeslných děl z textilních materiálů)
Technology of Conservation and Restoration (Technologie konzervování a restaurování)
Drugs synthesis and manufacturing (Syntéza a výroba léčiv)
Alternative Energy Resources and the Environment (Alternativní energie a životní prostředí)
Environmental Analytical Chemistry (Analytická chemie životního prostředí)
Environmental Chemistry and Technology (Chemie a technologie ochrany životního prostředí)
Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Environment (Chemie a technologie paliv a prostředí)
Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology (Chemie a toxikologie životního prostředí)
Waste Management and Treatment (Odpadové hospodářství)
Industrial Ecology (Průmyslová ekologie)
Biological Forensic Analysis (Forenzní analýza)
Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Biochemie a biotechnologie)
Chemistry and Food Analysis (Chemie a analýza potravin)
Food Chemistry and Technology (Technologie potravin)
Biotechnology of Pharmaceuticals (Biotechnologie léčiv)
Engineering Informatics (Inženýrská informatika)
Chemistry (Chemie)
Analytical and Physical Chemistry (Analytická a fyzikální chemie)
Process Engineering and Management (Procesní inženýrství a management)
Nano and Microtechnology in Chemical Engineering (Nano a mikrotechnologie v chemickém inženýrství)
Drug Analysis (Analýza léčiv)"
Foreign applicants take a Czech exam at the UCT Department of Languages on a mandatory basis.
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice / Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
You can get admitted to some programs of the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Agriculture and Technology and the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters without entrance exams, on the basis of the certificates competition.
Faculty of Economics
"Economic Informatics (Ekonomická informatika)
Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (Finanční a pojistná matematika)
Commerce and Entrepreneurship (Obchodní podnikání)
Structural Policy of the EU for Public Administration (Strukturální politika EU pro veřejnou správu)
Economics of Business Management (Řízení a ekonomika podniku)
Accounting and Financial Business Management (Účetnictví a finanční řízení podniku)"
Applications to the Faculty of Economics must be submitted until April 15.
Faculty of Education
"Information technology and e-learning (Informační technologie a e-learning )
Nature and Environmental Education (Přírodovědná a ekologická výchova)
Fundamentals of Industrial Engineering for Education (Základy výrobní techniky se zaměřením na vzdělávání)
Chemistry for Education (Chemie se zaměřením na vzdělávání)
Information Technologies for Education (Informační technologie se zaměřením na vzdělávání)
Mathematics for Education (Matematika se zaměřením na vzdělávání)
Natural science for Education (Přírodopis se zaměřením na vzdělávání)"
Applications to the Faculty of Education must be submitted until March 15.
Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters
"Fishery (Rybářství)
Protection of Waters (Ochrana vod)"
Applications to the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters must be submitted until April 1
Faculty of Agriculture and Technology
"Agroecology (Agroekologie)
Agricultural Business (Agropodnikání)
Biology and Conservation of Organisms (Biologie a ochrana zájmových organismů)
Land Adjustment and Real Estate Trade (Pozemkové úpravy a převody nemovitostí)
Permanent Sustainable Economic Systems in the Region (Trvale udržitelné systémy hospodaření v krajině)
Agricultural and Transport Equipment: Trade, Service and Services (Zemědělská technika, obchod, servis a služby)
Agricultural Biotechnologies (Zemědělské biotechnologie)
Agriculture (Zemědělství)
Zootechnics (Zootechnika)"
Applications to the Faculty of Agriculture and Technology must be submitted until March 31.
Alongside the application, you must submit a certificate of knowledge of the Czech language at B1 level obtained from the Charles University by March 31.
Mendel University in Brno / Mendelova univerzita v Brně
You can get admitted to the programs of the Faculty of AgriSciences and the Faculty of Horticulture of the Mendel University without taking entrance exams, just based on the grades in your certificate.
Faculty of AgriSciences
Waste Management (Odpadové hospodářství)
Food Technology (Technologie potravin)
Plant Production (Fytotechnika)
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (Molekulární biologie a biotechnologie)
General Agriculture (Všeobecné zemědělství)
Forest Phytopathology and Mycology (Rostlinolékařství)
Animal Breeding (Zootechnika)
Agroecology (Agroekologie)
Land Consolidation and Soil Protection (Pozemkové úpravy a ochrana půdy)
Machinery Management (Provoz techniky)
Agribusiness (Agrobyznys)"
Applications must be submitted until March 31.
Faculty of Horticulture
"Horticulture (Zahradnictví)
Viticulture and Winemaking (Vinohradnictví a vinařství)
Quality of Plant Food Sources (Jakost rostlinných potravinových zdrojů)"
Applications must be submitted until March 20.
University of Ostrava in Ostrava / Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě
You can get admitted to some programs of the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Science without entrance exams.
Faculty of Arts
"French for Business (Francouzština ve sféře podnikání)
Polish Language and Literature (Polský jazyk a literatura)
Polish for Business (Polština ve sféře podnikání)
Spanish for Business (Španělština ve sféře podnikání)"
programs that can only be studied in combination with a second program:
"French Language and Literature (Francouzský jazyk a literatura)
German Language and Literature (Německý jazyk a literatura)
Polish Language and Literature (Polský jazyk a literatura)
Spanish Language and Literature (Španělský jazyk a literatura)
Art History and Monuments Care (Dějiny umění a památková péče)
Latin Language and Culture (Latinský jazyk a kultura)"
Faculty of Science
"Applied Mathematics (Aplikovaná matematika)
Informatics and Computer Management (Informatika a výpočetní technika)
Informatics (Informatika)
Physical Geography and Geoecology (Fyzická geografie a geoekologie)
Cartography and Geoinformatics (Kartografie a geoinformatika)
Landscape Protection and Formation (Ochrana a tvorba krajiny)
Biophysics (Biofyzika)
Political and Cultural Geography (Politická a kulturní geografie)
Economic Geography and Regional Development (Ekonomická geografie a regionální rozvoj)"
In case of a large number of applicants, entrance exams will be scheduled.
A certificate of knowledge of Czech at B2 level is required.
Silesian University in Opava / Slezská univerzita v Opavě
"Without entrance exams, you can only get admitted to one program of the Faculty of Philosophy and Science – Astrophysics (Astrofyzika) as well as to the Mathematics program of the Mathematical Institute in Opava.
Applications must be submitted until February 29."
A certificate of knowledge of Czech is required.
Technical University of Liberec / Technická univerzita v Liberci
"You can get admitted to study a number of programs of the Faculty of Textile Engineering, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and the Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education without exams, based on your school academic performance.
The first stage of admission application lasts until March 31."
Faculty of Textile Engineering
"Textile Marketing (Textilní marketing)
Clothing Production and Management (Výroba oděvů a management obchodu s oděvy)
Textile Technologies, Materials and Nanomaterials (Textilní technologie, materiály a nanomateriály)"
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering (Strojní inženýrství)
Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education
"Czech Language and Literature (for Education) (Český jazyk a literatura)
Humanities (for Education) (Filozofie humanitních věd)
Applied Geography (Aplikovaná geografie)
Recreology (Rekreologie)"
A certificate of knowledge of Czech is required.
University of Hradec Králové / Univerzita Hradec Králové
You can get admitted to two programs of the Faculty of Informatics and Management without entrance exams, on the basis of the certificates competition:
"Information Management (Informační management )
Applied Informatics (Aplikovaná informatika)"
Applications must be submitted until February 29.
Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem / Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem
You can get admitted to three faculties: the Faculty of Production Technology and Management, the Faculty of Environment, and the Faculty of Science without entrance exams, on the basis of the certificates competition.
Faculty of Production Technology and Management
"Mechanical Engineering Technology (Strojírenská technologie)
Mechanical Engineering (Strojírenství )
Material Sciences (Materiálové vědy)
Energetics (Energetika)"
Applications must be submitted until March 31
Faculty of Environment
Applications must be submitted until March 31
Faculty of Science
"Applied Nanotechnology (Aplikované nanotechnologie)
Applied Computer Modelling (Aplikované počítačové modelování)
Information Systems (Informační systémy)
Toxicology and Hazardous Substance Analysis (Toxikologie a analýza škodlivin)
Mathematics and its Application in Natural Sciences (Matematika a její použití v přírodních vědách)"
Applications must be submitted until March 14.
A certificate of knowledge of Czech at B1 level is required.
University of Pardubice / Univerzita Pardubice
You can get admitted to three faculties of this university without taking entrance exams, just based on the grades in your certificate.
Faculty of Economics and Administration
"Economics and Operation in Enterprises (Ekonomika a provoz podniku)
Information and Security Systems (Informační a bezpečnostní systémy)
Informatics in Public Administration (Informatika ve veřejné správě)
Financial Risk Management (Management finančních rizik)
Security Management in Enterprises (Management ochrany podniku a společnosti)
Business Management: Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (Management podniku: - Management malých a středních podniků)
Business Management: Managerial Ethics (Management podniku: Manažerská etika)
Regional and Information Management (Regionální a informační management)
State Economy and Management: Economics for Criminalists and Customs Officers (Veřejná ekonomika a správa: Ekonomika pro kriminalisty a celníky)
State Economy and Management: State Economy (Veřejná ekonomika a správa: Veřejná ekonomika)"
Applications must be submitted until March 15.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
"Information Technology (Informační technologie)
Communication and Microprocessor Technology (Komunikační a mikroprocesorová technika)
Process Control (Řízení procesů)"
Applications must be submitted until March 31.
Faculty of Chemical Technology
Pharmacochemistry and Medicinal Materials (Farmakochemie a medicinální materiály)
Inorganic Materials (Anorganické materiály)
Polymeric Materials and Composites (Polymerní materiály a kompozity)
Chemistry and Technical Chemistry (Chemie a technická chemie)
Evaluation and Analysis of Foodstuffs (Hodnocení a analýza potravin)
Polygraphy (Polygrafie)
Surface Protection of Building and Construction Materials (Povrchová ochrana stavebních a konstrukčních materiálů)
Clinical Biology and Chemistry (Klinická biologie a chemie)
Medical Laboratory Assistan (Zdravotní laborant)
Economy and Management of Chemical and Food Industry (Ekonomika a management chemických a potravinářských podniků)
Environmental protection (Ochrana životního prostředí)
Applications must be submitted until March 31.
A certificate of knowledge of Czech is required.
Tomas Bata University in Zlín / Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně
Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management
"Risk Management (Ovládání rizik)
Protection of Citizens (Ochrana obyvatelstva)"
Applications must be submitted until April 30.
Faculty of Technology
"Materials Engineering (Materiálové inženýrství)
Environmental Engineering (Inženýrství ochrany životního prostředí)
Polymers and Technology (Polymerní materiály a technologie)
Chemistry, Technology and Analysis of Food (Chemie a technologie potravin)
Chemistry of Food and Bioactive Compounds (Chemie potravin a bioaktivních látek)
Chemistry, Technology and Analysis of Food (Technology of Milk and Dairy Products)
Technology for the Production of Fats, Cosmetics, and Detergents (Technologie výroby tuků, kosmetiky a detergentů)
Technology and Management in Gastronomy (Technologie a řízení v gastronomii)
Technological Equipment (Technologická zařízení)"
Applications must be submitted until March 31.
A certificate of knowledge of Czech at B2 level must be submitted by March 31.
VSB - Technical University of Ostrava (Vysoká škola báňská — Technická univerzita Ostrava)
Faculty of Materials Science and Technology
"Modern Metallurgical Technologies (Moderní metalurgické technologie)
Thermal Engineering and Ceramic Materials (Tepelná technika a keramické materiály)
Foundry Technologies (Umělecké slévárenství)
Progressive Metallic Materials (Progresivní technické materiály)
Materials and technologies for the automotive industry (Materiály a technologie pro automobilový průmysl)
Materials Engineering and Recycling (Recyklace materiálů)
Procedural Engineering and Quality Control Methods (Procesní inženýrství a metody kontroly kvality)
Chemical and environmental engineering (Chemie a technologie ochrany životního prostředí)
Economics and Management in Industry (Ekonomika a management v průmyslu)
Automation and Computing in Industrial Technologies (Automatizace a počítačová technika v průmyslu)
Quality Management (Management kvality)
Applications must be submitted until April 30.
Faculty of Civil Engineering
"Construction Engineering
Architecture and Construction"
Applications must be submitted until March 31.
Admission of applicants is based on their secondary school academic performance in major subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry).
A certificate of knowledge of Czech at B1 level is required.
College of Polytechnics Jihlava / Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
You can get admitted to two programs without taking entrance exams:
"Applied Computer Science (Aplikovaná informatika)
Computer Systems (Počítačové systémy)"
Foreign applicants take a written and oral Czech exam at the College of Polytechnics Jihlava. As of 2016, the exam takes place on June 9, August 10, and September 6. The opportunity to take the exam on other dates is not provided.
Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice / Vysoká škola technická a ekonomická v Českých Budějovicích
University buildings where the studies take place are located in České Budějovice and Tábor.
Applications must be submitted until April 29.8
"Mechanical Engineering (Strojírenství)
Construction Engineering and Process Engineering (Konstrukční a procesní inženýrství)
Mechanical Engineering Technology (Strojírenské technologie)
Technology and Transport management (Technologie dopravy a přepravy)
Building Construction (Konstrukce stave)
Reconstruction of Buildings (Rekonstrukce staveb)
Insulation (Izolace)
Construction Management (Stavební management)
Surface Construction (Pozemní stavby)
Business Economics (Ekonomika podniku)"
University of West Bohemia / Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Applicants who graduated from school less than five years ago can get admitted without entrance exams.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
"Electronics and Telecommunications (Elektronika a telekomunikace)
Electrical and Power Engineering (Elektrotechnika a energetika)
Commercial Electrical Engineering (Komerční elektrotechnika)
Environmental Engineering (Technická ekologie)
Applied Electrical Engineering (Aplikovaná elektrotechnika)"
Faculty of Applied Sciences
"Applied and Engineering Physics (Aplikovaná a inženýrská fyzika)
Financial Informatics and Statistics (Finanční informatika a statistika)
Geomatics (Geomatika)
Computer Science (Informatika)
Information Systems (Informační systémy)
Intelligent Man-Machine Communication (Inteligentní komunikace člověk-stroj)
Cybernetics and Control Engineering (Kybernetika a řídicí technika)
Mathematics and Financial Studies (Matematika a finanční studia)
Mathematics and its Applications (Matematika a její aplikace)
Computer Modelling (Počítačové modelování)
Computer Control of Systems and Processes (Počítačové řízení strojů a procesů)
Civil Engineering (Stavitelství)
Systems for Identification, Security and Communication (Systémy pro identifikaci, bezpečnost a komunikaci)
Land Use Planning (Územní plánování)
Computer Engineering (Výpočetní technika)
Computation and Design (Výpočty a design)"
University website: www.zcu.cz
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